
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
– 2 Corinthians 9:7

Ways to Give

An appropriate CRA charitable donation income tax receipt will be issued at the financial year end by MCBC for all donations given by cheque, offering envelope, Giving or PAR. Giving

The best way to give online to MCBC is through! Once you’ve created your account, it’s easy to keep track of your giving. With this safe and secure system, you can give a one-time donation or automate recurring giving.

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to set up your account and make your first donation.

  • Frequency: One-time or recurring (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly)
  • Designated giving options: General, Benevolent, or Capital Fund
  • Fees: you can choose to cover the cost of the service fees (this would be included in your receipted amount), or have the service fees automatically taken off of your donation
  • Annual Income Tax Receipt issued by MCBC early in the next calendar year.
e-Transfer Giving

Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient, and secure way to send and receive money directly from one bank account to another. You can make donations to MCBC using e-Transfer.

  • Access through: Online Banking.
  • Frequency: one time, post-dated or recurring (depending on bank).
  • Designated giving options: through transaction Message.
  • Fees: none
  • Annual Income Tax Receipt issued by MCBC early in the next calendar year.



1)      Use your Online Banking access or App and go to Interac e-Transfer, e-Transfer or Send money.

2)      Add MISSISSAUGA CITY BAPTIST CHURCH INC as the contact/recipient with the email address:

3)      Enter the total DONATION AMOUNT

4)     IMPORTANTT (REQUIRED on every transaction): In the MESSAGE section of the transaction enter:

a)     your full NAME,

b)     your full POSTAL ADDRESS and


(eg. MESSAGE: John Donor, 4321 Main Street, Anytown, ON X9X 9X9, $50 Gen $45 Ben)

(Note 1: The NAME and POSTAL ADDRESS are required for the income tax receipt)

(Note2: If the NAME and/or POSTAL ADDRESS is absent, this is a non-receipted General fund donation)

(Note 3: If the DESIGNATION is absent or does not exist, this is a General fund donation)

Some online bank services may limit the Message size, if so, please also send an additional separate e-mail with: 1) the DATE of your donation, 2) your NAME, 3) your POSTAL ADDRESS, 4) your total DONATION AMOUNT, and 5) your DONATION DESIGNATION Information to

5)     Mississauga City Baptist Church is not responsible for misdirected donations due to an incorrect email address or incorrect information.

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)

The PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) Program allows you to give regularly to MCBC directly from your bank account or credit card. Once you're enrolled, the amount you have chosen will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month.

  • Access through: PAR form (use this form for enrollment, and to make any subsequent updates to your giving)
  • Frequency: Recurring (on the 20th of each month)
  • Designated giving options: General, Benevolent, or Capital Fund
  • Fees: No fees for bank withdrawal; 2-3% fee taken from credit card payments
  • Annual Income Tax Receipt issued by MCBC early in the next calendar year.
Offering Envelopes

As always, you can give during the offering time in our Sunday service. Cash or cheques can be placed in the offering plate (please use the appropriate offering envelope), or cheques can be mailed to the church. This is the only giving option if you wish to make a designation other than the General, Benevolent, or Capital Fund. 

  • Access through: Offering plate (cash or cheque) or by mail (cheques only - please do not mail cash)
  • Envelopes are available in the main hallway (General, Benevolent, and Capital Fund each have a specific envelope)
  • Personalized Envelopes: If you are a regular donor, contact to request your own box
  • Frequency: One-time or recurring (if you give through post-dated cheques)
  • Designated giving options: General, Benevolent, Capital Fund, or Other
  • Fees: None
  • Annual Income Tax Receipt issued by MCBC early in the next calendar year.